how much I'm loving this picture (:
i can honestly say its my favorite picture. I don't quite know how to describe this.
Am i suppose to make a love poem or something of that existence?
well if that's the case I'm sorta blank sorry
this guy apparently takes all my thoughts, and
i really cant think of anything but his actual presence
hahaha lol.... so we where sitting there not bored!! well at least i wasn't
and i notice i see his reflection through a shade some what dim and smazy
OK, but my point is he looked hot (;
so i try taking this memory into a piece of art (photograph)
but he moves: uhhhh WHY did you move?! any who
i still love it because in a weird way it reveals his actual personality
What i do know is I'm defiantly
Printing it Keeping it and Saving it Forever
i love you