
I seek the touch and relish the feeling.


... and she spoke words that would melt in your hands.


So yesterday while listening to aliens exist by blink on YouTube a ritual routine in life. I discover the greatest and saddest news of all time, you wont believe this..... So i was scrolling though the idiotic comments people leave on the YouTube videos you know, everyone does that. To my surprise I find things such as "I'm so glad they are together" or or "I cant wait till they come to New York" This as you may know left a huge QUESTION MARK! so i decided to stalk blink 182 fan page. It turns out they are back together AND!!! are having a concert HERE! Aug 20........... what the fuck!? my heart shattered. I want to go really really bad :l not just because they are my favorite band in the world but because they wont ever ever come to Chicago.


The feeling you get when your dad's proud of what you do...


I think I'm blind. I only see the nice side


This blew my mind.


YLC (debate stuff) has been by far the greatest experience of my entire life. This all started as a having something to do over the summer. I honestly saw debate as a nerd category. A category filled with people with no life. This to "to do over summer" has challenged me and pushed me to an extent i was not aware existed. The past 4 days I cried my eyes out due to the intense frustration i felt, due to my negative side taking over. I laughed till i could no longer take it i smiled and fully felt happy. I opened up, something i hardly do and it's all because of the pressure of the happiness and challenge YLC made me go through. I can now open up to different perspectives and I can now confidently say i am capable of doing anything i set my mind to . Because we are all "amazing".


I see pictures of you and her together, and honestly, you look happy.

But I see pictures of me and you together, and you look in love



I made a tumblr a long time ago and i've never gone on it o.O soooo i went
on it today AND i realized i have no idea how to use it but it doesnt matter
because i have this and if i have this why do i need a tumblr? who