

Photography(: so now that i got my phone and this camera takes picture in 2 seconds(: i can take pictures while the car is moving yeahh hahaha i sound so fucking gay but my god at least i can do something with my stupid life

don't you dare wake me up
i don't want to wake up without you next to me
don't you dare wake me up

Spring break yeahh no!

Monday-Sunday positively the rest of 2010:
down for the whole two algebra classes

i cut my foot and it still hurts: read 3 chapters

Not fake trust me

so today i broke some porcelain oh no! that was worth more than my entire closet
oh god my mom was........well lets say not quite so happy
:beautiful day something stupid.

Mari's birthday(: ughhh family party


S o f t l y. P l e a s e.

Softball why not?
First Base
Third Base
Left Field
Center Field
Right Field
yeah yeah yeah i get it ALEX!
i wanna quit this guy gets on my fucking nerves



god please fix me

god please fix things

god please please

entering a fuked up world

So today i discover that i have issues with the word
ALGEBRA i registered for Kelly and i have to take two fukin'
algebra classes due to my slowness
i am truly feeling horrible and so stupid this was the one thing i thought i could handle and pass but Noooooo i cant get my self to be in a regular algebra period. hopefully
i can fix this in a way if not I'm gonna dieee!
i suck i suck i suck i suck

shut up Kelly



Fuck you

Shut up

I wish I lived closer to my boyfriend so what
I wish I had a life so what
I wish I always knew what to say so what
I wish I would have a water gun so what
I wish I would die of laughter so what
I wish I could fill my box so what
I wish Marisol wasn't such a douche so what
I wish people wouldn't die so what
I wish everything would smell like fresh grass so what
I wish I was old and wrinkled so what
I wish I didn't suck so what
I wish I could disappear and start over so what
I wish I could read your mind so what
I wish I wouldn't think so what
I wish I wasn't so insecure so what
I wish I would fly so what
I wish I would erase my past so what
I wish upon a star so what
I wish you would stay with me so what
I wish I had more shoes so what
I wish I would drown in water so what
I wish I could eat soup so what
I wish I would throw up Gatorade so what
I wish you would love me more so what
I wish I would buy all the postcards I need so what
I wish I would travel the whole world so what
I wish I could finish the book I'm reading so what
I wish I could eat tacos everyday so what
I wish I could finish decorating my room so what
I wish I wouldn't cry on graduation so what
I wish I could forget so what
I wish there was no pain so what
I wish Kelly wasn't soo big so what
I wish I had a different face so what
I wish I wouldn't wish for more things so what

I wish for things so what

My heart sunk

I was left with no other choice was there choices in the first place. Day by day the same seeking diversion.
I breathe in.... drain it all in so no feelings are shown but within this case within this body
I get full of lies and bullshit
comments!!! comments!!! comments!!!

fucking comments
stupid fucking comments

I couldn't’t take it any longer not today not tomorrow I’m done for now.
So a mark formed comfort, security it provided the best escape plan, but when over it simply reminded me of the easy way out. Of a screwed cheap plan. nothing else. But a false chance of forgetting of weakening bitter moments.
I’ll just get out your way out of the stupid little crowds
Making my own way around making my existence invisible trying my hardest to keep it all in
And not show I care not show I’m strongly scared, scared of failure scared of your reaction scared of cast off.
Forgive me I don’t know how to control this how to heal my feelings and finding the best choice.

I'm not gone

Though I will be far away from you for a while, my feelings will stay close forever... You mean the world to me. I'm not gone, I'm still here with you. As long as you still think of me and my love, I will be next to you. And as long as you love me, I won't ever be too far away for. I'm simply still here...not gone.iloveyou

wow hmmm i just noticed this


The day The day The boring fuking stupid day

so today i dragged my ass out of bed like always. went to school
bye mom...........................
same routine filled with stupid comments unnecessary
smiles and laughs. Anger from both the math and science teacher luckly the s.s wasnt there.
Not my point so yeah.. I saw the boyfriend hi hello Hug Walking away and yeahh. People were pissing me off especially hmm lets skip that part I came home to find that we are moving tomorrow if not SUNDAY! and i haven't packed at all.

any who i was feeling weird didn't feel like eating and yet my mother orders me to eat something. by the way that something was yucky! Does she enjoy seeing me with a disgusting look on my face. i mean why not just let me eat till tomorrow, goshhh mothers. i personally would not care, i don't know how to be a mom i couldn't force my children but then if i don't then....uhhhhh so complicated but lets move on i always seem to go off topic

back to my day i went to Walgreen's because i wanted candy!!! (: i bought starburts but see these weren't regular starburts they were jelly bean starburts...... the worse thing I've ever tried they had a fruity plastic taste........ shitt! there go my 3 dollars I was pissed but whatever while walking home i felt like eating tacos :) i can easily say its been 4 months since i haven't ate tacos boo who!
well that's about it from what i last remember at six we are gonna go paint!! till late
yeahhhh so for now I'm gonna eat my plastic candy and stare at the sealing listing to The xx


Hello daddy

today its not possible we cant go visit you.
i wanted to see you so you would wish me luck. i bet i would do great.
I'll dream of you and hopefully at least like that i keep your
soft and comforting voice. i keep that throughout the whole week of testing
i love you and miss you

NEW MONTH! i hope this month is better :
tomorrow marks the beginning of a new ending
we're getting closer