
My heart sunk

I was left with no other choice was there choices in the first place. Day by day the same seeking diversion.
I breathe in.... drain it all in so no feelings are shown but within this case within this body
I get full of lies and bullshit
comments!!! comments!!! comments!!!

fucking comments
stupid fucking comments

I couldn't’t take it any longer not today not tomorrow I’m done for now.
So a mark formed comfort, security it provided the best escape plan, but when over it simply reminded me of the easy way out. Of a screwed cheap plan. nothing else. But a false chance of forgetting of weakening bitter moments.
I’ll just get out your way out of the stupid little crowds
Making my own way around making my existence invisible trying my hardest to keep it all in
And not show I care not show I’m strongly scared, scared of failure scared of your reaction scared of cast off.
Forgive me I don’t know how to control this how to heal my feelings and finding the best choice.