
1. One thing you hate- Hard Startburst.

2. One thing that bothers you- Jose Luis Hernandez

3. One thing that annoys you- Rebecca Black - Friday

4.One thing that pisses you off- My list would simply fill up the little space provided.


And you just feel overwhelmed here is the one person who is capable of pulling you out of your misery without touching you without intentending to help. Here is the person who comes at night and paints hearts on your sidewalk just to remind you that he wont give up. No matter how much you push him away... no matter how much you try to believe that no feelings take place, you smile at the end of the day because of him.



People that read books are far more interesting than those who dont.


The pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us,
that while we may come from different places and speak in different tounges,
our hearts beat as one - Dumbledore (Harry potter)


No you were not magically picked and technically you don't have a say in whats wrong or right because you see sir you are human like me. You make mistakes you eat, you breathe just like i do! Two ordinary people who happen to temporarily play a role in this planet. I know how your mind works, you think you are somehow superior simply because half the world respect you, well let me break it down for you, YOU chose to become a priest not god not some spiritual whatever, YOU did! you chose to worship god in a more serious stalking level. As far as i am concerned i have the right to believe in whatever i want to believe. Don't come knocking on my door ordering me to swallow a system of lies asserting I'm guaranteed a spot in hell! Do you have a brain? If you don't then i will totally understand... Who the fuck do you think you are? No i wont attend some ash day because you and your holy believes say i need to. Don't get me wrong i believe in god i just don't trust the little made up organizations within every religion. If you take a moment you'll realize every religion has different story, a story of how things took place. The funny thing is they all believe in one major powerful god and that is why I've decided that the simple idea of god is all that i need in my mind. I wont close up my life because you say i need to, because that's what your asking me to do live a boring life with no risks. Well let me tell you a little something, I'd rather die living a short life full of regrets and memories at least I'll have the satisfaction of not living with that "what if" torture. It's better than a long, boring, ritual life following every god damn rule just so i can go to this place you call heaven? What is heaven anyway and what exactly am i gonna do in heaven? Live an even more boring life yeah no thank you .

No it was not specificly made for catholics i'm talking in general.


It's that zombie song that i like.


I don't feel good about this.
It doesn't help me anymore.
It's not the same.


Rain falls outside my window.
Drops drops and more drops, to disguise my fake tears.



I would love to express what I am feeling at this very moment but I cant, something stops me. Something always stops me, the fact that half my thoughts are published in a social network is frightening. As much as I like to pretend that no one in the world reads what I write I know I'm wrong. My thoughts are being judged by strangers my feelings are being mistaken. I cant complain though, this is my fault I decided to make an online journal. I decided to write personal things this is my fault. I obviously didn’t write every single detail of my life on here and it was fine by me but with time I noticed that not writing everything was not necessarily what I looked for. I want to be able to express my self freely, without having to exclude details, without doubting if i should write about this or that and because of that I have decided not to share tonight.

I cant share anything with anyone anymore.