
I wanna tell you let you know...all the things i never liked.
Every single doubt.
What i don't like but lied
All the times i felt stepped on.
When i needed you but you weren't there
All the insecurities I saw you would hide.
and most of all
Why I know you so well.
How you would switch me
Why i disliked when you would talk about your dreams.
What i felt when we promise.
The secrets i never told you
Why i would argue and fight over everything
How i understand everything perfectly and don't feel bad about it.
Why i never liked feeling weird
Why i didn't like forgetting scenes
Every time my mood would change
How planning stuff hurt.
Why i wouldn't say anything when you promised
I wanna let everything out without feeling awkward with out pausing
but you are right. I would keep constructing on air.