Sitting there so calmly drinking, swallowing every I promise.
Sweating fierce faulty at the back of your smiles.
Your words are clear and direct, but they crush and bruise you don’t care like we do.
A life is at play. And all you say is “look at the time”
Every second of the day flies, and his breathe is shorten by tears.
His hope dies a little more. His dreams are not as high. His smile shrinks when begging sincere communication.
As you wine of how hard your day has been of how much money you lost.
He lies behind that unexpected barrier hoping to give you his world.
Your selfish and malicious
Your sour attitude lowers my expectations. I blame you for all my worries for all the
insecurities that lie inside me for all the mistakes I have not yet taken time to learn from.
Something grows and kills. Stop for a minute and look do you see what we see.
Not a man. Not a soul but our father, slowly dying of sadness for you.
I’m sorry for not taking time to think of you.
Today is just I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry.
Please, I'm sorry