Something is wrong once again. Sorting out my ideas and thoughts out loud umm yeah total fail. Talking about it with someone epic FAILNESSS so I'm back to writing. Not necessarily what i intended but it'll have to do for now. I've been slacking off, not with school work but within me. Yeah yeah it makes no sense. Have you ever made an inner promise to your self? you start out inspired wanting change then you slack a little thinking "
there's always tomorrow" Once tomorrow comes you simply don't care anymore, thinking "
one day I'll start again" Well this process has been going on for the past year. Seeing positiveness in every situation is nearly impossible. I slowly try pushing all the negativity away I mean come on i purposely avoid people that look depressing, yesssss i have to be a little judge mental in order to help my self!! but doing all this is not enough i cant do it alone or i can ? uhhh I don't even know anymore. It finds a way back to my mind and controls half my actions it felt nice to have support to have someone remind you that better days will come. Not even that, knowing you have someone to rely on is more than enough to feel good. As you can see having to deal with these newly strangers doesn't help much. Everyone interacting quickly forming bonds only makes me feel worse it's too much.