
Day 2- What I hate most about myself.

Aghhh I wont go into the physical stuff because well those things are there and will always be there no matter how much plastic surgery you go through. Let's not use the word hate here, it would simply make me a senseless lunatic bitch because well...we're talking about me here and hating myself is quite emo. I strongly dislike the fact that the little confidence that keeps me together is sometimes not enough to see the positive side in things. Let's see hmmm, holding hateful grudges and not letting go of things easily. Over thinking simple situations. Thinking of others before me is nice, but doing it all the time is problematic. Not dealing with things and letting the "fuck it" sink in. Giving up on things i really hope to happpen. There is plenty of easy, changeable steps i could take, yet i don't take them...why? well i don't know